2. 学习和工作经历:
2022.01-至今 青岛科技大学 教授
2018.01-2021.12 波兰西波美拉尼亚技术大学 高级研究员
2016.12-2017.12 西班牙马德里高等材料研究院 博士后
2015.08-2016.08 江苏省江阴市高新区科技局 副局长(挂职)
2013.12-2016.12 中科院长春应用化学研究所 副研究员
2010.07-2013.12 中科院长春应用化学研究所 助理研究员
2005.09-2010.06 中科院长春应用化学研究所(硕博连读) 博士
2001.09-2005.07 吉林大学 化学学院 学士
3. 研究方向:
(1) 阻燃耐烧蚀高分子复合材料
(2) 功能性纳米碳材料的制备及应用
(3) 介电高分子储能
(4) 工程应用研究
4. 个人荣誉与获奖:
2020 山东省泰山学者(青年专家)
2020 波兰西波美拉尼亚省诺贝尔奖
2020 波兰西波美拉尼亚技术大学校长奖(一等奖)
2019 欧盟玛丽居里学者(个人奖学金, 波兰)
2016 欧盟玛丽居里学者(Co-fund, 西班牙)
2016 江苏省第八批科技镇长团(江阴)优秀个人
5. 代表性论文和专利:
(15) Jiaxin Li, Shuai Zhang, Yumeng Hua, Yichao Lin, Xin Wen*, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*, Xuecheng Chen*, Rodney S. Ruoff. “Facile synthesis of accordion-like porous carbon from waste PET bottles-based MIL-53(Al) and its application for high-performance Zn-ion capacitor”. Green Energy & Environment 2023, accepted (IF = 12.781, 中科院1区, Top)
(14) Lili Ma, Hui Liu, Xin Wen*, Karolina Szymańska, Ewa Mijowska, Chuncheng Hao, Tao Tang, Qingquan Lei. “Polyhydric SiO2 coating assistant to graft organophosphorus onto glass fabric for simultaneously improving flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy resin composites”, Composites Part B: Engineering 2022,199:110176 (IF = 11.322, 中科院1区, Top)
(13) Xiaodong Xu, Ting Wang, Yanliang Wen, Xin Wen*, Xuecheng Chen, Chuncheng Hao, Qingquan Lei, Ewa Mijowska. “Intumescent flame retardants inspired template-assistant synthesis of N/P dual-doped three-dimensional porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 613:35-46 (IF = 8.128, 中科院1区, Top)
(12) Xiaodong Xu, Krzysztof Sielicki, Jiakang Min, Jiaxin Li, Chuncheng Hao, Xin Wen*, Xuecheng Chen, Ewa Mijowska. “One-step converting biowaste wolfberry fruits into hierarchical porous carbon and its application for high-performance supercapacitors”. Renewable Energy, 2022, 185:187-195 (IF = 8.634, 中科院1区, Top)
(11) Ronghua Yu, Xin Wen*, Jie Liu, Yanhui Wang, Xuecheng Chen, Karolina Wenelska, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “A green and high-yield route to recycle waste masks into CNTs/Ni hybrids via catalytic carbonization and their application for superior microwave absorption”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 298: 120544 (IF = 24.319, 中科院1区, Top)
(10) Xin Wen, Zhiqi Liu, Zhi Li, Jing Zhang, De-Yi Wang*, Karolina Szymańska, Xuecheng Chen*, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “Constructing multifunctional nanofiller with reactive interface in PLA/CB-g-DOPO composites for simultaneously improving flame retardancy, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties”, Composites Science and Technology 2020, 188: 107988 (IF = 9.879, 中科院1区, Top)
(9) Yanliang Wen, Xiaoguang Liu, Xin Wen*, Xuecheng Chen*, Karolina Szymańska, Renata Dobrzyńska, Ewa Mijowska. “Na3PO4 assistant dispersion of nano-CaCO3 template to enhance electrochemical interface: N/O/P co-doped porous carbon hybrids towards high-performance flexible supercapacitors”, Composites Part B: Engineering 2020,199:108256 (IF = 11.322, 中科院1区, Top)
(8) Xin Wen, Jiakang Min, Haiying Tan*, Doudou Gao, Xuecheng Chen, Karolina Szymańska, Beata Zielińska, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “Reactive construction of catalytic carbonization system in PP/C60/Ni(OH)2 nanocomposites for simultaneously improving thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2020, 129: 105722 (IF = 9.463, 中科院1区, Top).
(7) Hongfan Yang, Yanyan Guan, Lin Ye, Song Wang, Sanxi Li, Xin Wen*, Xuecheng Chen, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “Synergistic effect of nanoscale carbon black and ammonium polyphosphate on improving thermal stability and flame retardancy of polypropylene: A reactive network for strengthening carbon layer”, Composites Part B: Engineering 2019, 174: 107038 (IF = 11.322, 中科院1区, Top)
(6) Hao Chen, Ting Wang, Yanliang Wen, Xin Wen*, Doudou Gao, Ronghua Yu, Xuecheng Chen, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “Expanded graphite assistant construction of gradient-structured char layer in PBS/Mg(OH)2 composites for improving flame retardancy, thermal stability and mechanical properties”, Composites Part B: Engineering 2019, 177: 107402 (IF = 11.322, 中科院1区, Top)
(5) Xin Wen, Hansong Liu, Lu Zhang, Jing Zhang, Can Fua, Xiaoze Shi, Xuecheng Chen, Ewa Mijowska, Ming-Jun Chen, De-Yi Wang*. “Large-scale converting waste coffee grounds into functional carbon materials as high-efficient adsorbent for organic dyes”, Bioresource Technology 2019, 272: 92–98 (IF = 11.889,中科院1区, Top)
(4) Dongsheng Wang, Xin Wen*, Xuecheng Chen, Yunhui Li, Ewa Mijowska, Tao Tang*. “A novel stiffener skeleton strategy in catalytic carbonization system with enhanced carbon layer structure and improved fire retardancy”, Composites Science and Technology 2018, 164: 82–91 (IF = 9.879, 中科院1区, Top)
(3) Minggang Li, Xin Wen*, Jie Liu, Tao Tang*. “Synergetic effect of epoxy resin and maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene on improving mechanical properties of polypropylene/short carbon fiber composites”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2014, 67: 212–220 (IF = 9.463, 中科院1区, Top)
(2) Xin Wen, Xuecheng Chen, Nana Tian, Jiang Gong, Jie Liu, Mark H. Rümmeli, Paul K. Chu, Ewa Mijiwska, Tao Tang*. “Nanosized carbon black combined with Ni2O3 as “universal” catalysts for synergistically catalyzing carbonization of polyolefin wastes to synthesize carbon nanotubes and application for supercapacitors”, Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48: 4048–4055 (IF = 11.357,中科院1区, Top)
(1) Xin Wen, Jiang Gong, Haiou Yu, Zhi Liu, Dong Wan, Jie Liu, Zhiwei Jiang and Tao Tang*. “Catalyzing carbonization of poly(L-lactide) by nanosized carbon black combined with Ni2O3 for improving flame retardancy”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22: 19974–19980 (IF = 6.626 in 2013,中科院1区, Top)
6. 项目情况:
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22175102),“纤维布表面可控合成多孔无机粒子/有机磷杂化物及其在环氧树脂复合材料中的阻燃机理”,2022/01至2025/12,60万,负责人,在研
(2) 泰山学者人才工程计划项目(tsqn202103079),100万,2021/01-2025/01,负责人,在研
(3) 青岛科技大学人才引进启动基金(第三层次),200万,负责人,在研
7. 招生招聘: